The European Investigation Order in Criminal Matters (selected issues)
Czasopismo Prawa Karnego i Nauk Penalnych Rok XXV: 2021, numer 2
Journal of Criminal Law and Penal Studies Volume XXV: 2021, No. 2
Ricarda Tomasits – has been research assistant at the Department for Criminal Law and
Criminal Procedural Law at the Paris Lodron University of Salzburg.
Full text in PDF (open access)
European Investigation Order, evidence gathering, forum regit actum, recourse, investigative
The article gives an overview of selected issues concerning the provisions of the Directive
regarding the European Investigation Order in Criminal Matters. First, it starts with
an introduction to the topic and takes a brief look at the background of the EIO (pt 1).
The reader is then provided with an abstract of the most important provisions of the
Directive (pt 2) and an overview of the grounds for refusal (pt 3). These topics are followed
by two special issues: the „forum regit actum” principle in Article 9 (pt 4) and the
relation between the grounds of refusal and the possibility to have recourse to a different
type of investigative measure (pt 5).
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